Currently at Level 14, This is a Buried Alive Match against a Level 15 Wrestler. My submission trademark is Modified Indian Death Lock or "Mohitness" :). My finisher is Rash Ranger which is a momentum jump-pinning maneuver.
Titan tron:
Type of match: |
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is the Buried Alive Match! The only way to win is to put your opponent inside the hole, activate the shovel and cover the hole with dirt, burying him alive!"
Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, SD Coleman"!
A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves
and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron
SD Coleman makes his way to the ring
with his trainer, who''s giving him his last suggestions for the match
the mat is covered with a red carpet
Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Trendster"!
a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow
Trendster makes his way to the ring
two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring
The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other
and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent
after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort SD Coleman prevails
SD Coleman lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary
executing a light Powerful Knee Strike
[Special Submission activated for Trendster]
SD Coleman hooks Trendster's neck
forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker
SD Coleman jumps towards his rival on the ground
falling on his rival with an headbutt performing strong Falling Headbutt
SD Coleman bends his opponent's arm behind his back while he's laying on the mat
then he starts to pull them in an unnatural way executing a light Chicken Wing
SD Coleman keeps his weak submission hold
Trendster escapes from the hold
Trendster pulls himself together and fights back
Trendster open his arms ready to hit SD Coleman
SD Coleman defends himself with the hands stopping a Mongolian Chop
SD Coleman gets ready to hit Trendster with his right hand
and slaps Trendster across the face, executing a light Slap
[Special Submission Defence activated for Trendster]
SD Coleman droops quickly sideways to his rival
and hits the rival with his forearm executing a strong Forearm On Leg
SD Coleman bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent
and hits it with the knee, executing a light Knee on Leg
SD Coleman approaches the rival laying on the ground
hitting him with his head executing violent Falling Headbutt
SD Coleman grabs Trendster's hair
SD Coleman grabs one of his opponent's arms and swings him into the ropes
SD Coleman runs toward Trendster grasping his head
and drives him down to the ground performing a strong Running DDT
Trendster pulls himself together and fights back
[Special Power Body activated for Trendster]
Trendster charges his arm
SD Coleman parries the Hook Punch
SD Coleman charges his arm
and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch
SD Coleman places Trendster belly on his shoulders
slamming him to the ground performing a strong Fireman Carry
SD Coleman stands behind his rival
and stretches his face skin furiously performing a Fantastic Face Stretch
SD Coleman grabs his opponent's fist
to twist it by performing a light Fist Lock
SD Coleman keeps his ruthless submission hold
SD Coleman keeps his ruthless submission hold
SD Coleman releases his grasp
SD Coleman grapples one of Trendster shoulders
Trendster blocks the proper execution of the Shoulder Lock
Trendster while SD Coleman's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of SD Coleman
and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone
SD Coleman escapes from the hold
SD Coleman quickly gets up and counterattacks!
SD Coleman gets ready to hit Trendster with his right hand
and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a violent Slap
[Special Blocking activated for Trendster]
[Special Damage Resistance activated for Trendster]
SD Coleman loads a kick
and hits his opponent to his belly with a strong Toe Kick
SD Coleman grabs a barbed wire bat
and hits the opponent on his nose executing a Fantastic barbed wire bat shot
SD Coleman strongly pushes his oppoennt's head to ground
to perform a light Head Pound
SD Coleman keeps his weak submission hold
SD Coleman keeps his ruthless submission hold
SD Coleman releases his grasp
Trendster pulls himself together and fights back
Trendster puts a outstretched hand on SD Coleman's forehead
and brings it down scratching him with an strong Eye Rake leaving him blind
Trendster brings his foot up
SD Coleman blocks the opponent's Axe Kick
SD Coleman holds his opponent
and strikes his throat with an strong Uppercut
SD Coleman prepares himself behind his opponent
grasps his arms, lifts him and then slams him to the ground executing a Fantastic Full Nelson Slam
SD Coleman takes Trendster's arm
Trendster moving the arm avoids the correct execution of the Arm Lock
Trendster catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder
then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch
SD Coleman escapes from the hold
SD Coleman quickly gets up and counterattacks!
SD Coleman charges his arm
and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop
SD Coleman gets ready to hit Trendster
with a strong Low Kick
SD Coleman grabs the adversary preparing the movement
and making him fall backwards with streight connecting a Fantastic Pump Handle Suplex
[Special Damage activated for Trendster]
SD Coleman grabs Trendster's hair
lunges himself on the ropes
SD Coleman prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him
and hits him with both the fists performing a strong Polish Hammer
Trendster pulls himself together and fights back
Trendster charges his arm
and hits his opponent with a violent Hook Punch
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's head
performing an strong Head Butt
Trendster takes SD Coleman's head with both hands
SD Coleman stops the opponent's head preventing the execution of an Head Butt
SD Coleman grabs his lying opponent's leg
and hyperextends his knee and ankle joints by grasping his heel and holding and squeezing it connecting with a strong Spinning Toe Hold
SD Coleman keeps his weak submission hold
SD Coleman keeps his ruthless submission hold
SD Coleman releases his grasp
SD Coleman is about to perform his taunt
capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
catching SD Coleman off guard!
Trendster prepares his arm
performing a strong Punch
Trendster draws back his arm rocking his body
and with a great strength punches SD Coleman's face performing a strong Big Punch
Trendster retrieves a lead pipe from under the ring
and hits the opponent skull executing a Fantastic lead pipe shot
Trendster open his arms in a threatening gesture
and grasps SD Coleman's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it
Trendster keeps his weak submission hold
Trendster keeps his weak submission hold
Trendster releases his grasp
Trendster grabs a baseball bat
and hits the opponent forehead executing a Fantastic baseball bat shot
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's hair
lunges himself on the ropes
Trendster runs toward SD Coleman
driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a strong Running Arm Drag
Trendster is about to perform his taunt
Trendster climbs on the turnbuckle smiling at opponent & appreciating fans executing A Fandom
SD Coleman pulls himself together and fights back
SD Coleman stares at Trendster
and gives him an light Ear Slap
[Special Resistance activated for Trendster]
SD Coleman charges the leg
to strike his opponent's head with an strong Overhead Kick
SD Coleman throws the leg
Trendster parries an Overhead Kick
Trendster places himself sideways to his rival grabbing his head with an arm
trips him falling forward a with violent Front Russian Leg Sweep, making him fall face first
[Special Attack activated for Trendster]
Trendster kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands
trying to submit him with an irregular choke, executing a light Choke Hold
Trendster keeps his weak submission hold
SD Coleman escapes from the hold
SD Coleman quickly gets up and counterattacks!
SD Coleman gets ready to hit Trendster
and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop
SD Coleman charges his arm
Trendster blocks the Fist But easily
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's head
performing an light Head Butt
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's head
SD Coleman stops the opponent's head preventing the execution of an Head Butt
SD Coleman wraps one arm across the chest of his opponent
and sweeps Trendster's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first, executing a light STO
SD Coleman wraps one arm across the chest of his opponent
Trendster prevents from being projected by his opponent's STO
Trendster while SD Coleman's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of SD Coleman
and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone
SD Coleman escapes from the hold
SD Coleman quickly gets up and counterattacks!
SD Coleman points to Trendster with decision
and gives him an light Ear Slap
SD Coleman rushes drooping sideways to the rival
Trendster prevents the execution of a Forearm On Leg
Trendster grabs SD Coleman by an arm
and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag
Trendster rises on the turnbuckle
and throws himself on SD Coleman while performing a torsion with the body executing a violent Twisting Body Attack
Trendster grabs his opponent''s leg
making it strangely twist to perform an violent Mohitness
Trendster keeps his ruthless submission hold
SD Coleman can't resist anymore and taps out!!
the match cannot end with a submission!
SD Coleman escapes from the hold
Trendster carries SD Coleman out of the ring
Trendster pushes SD Coleman close to the hole
Trendster throws SD Coleman in the hole
Trendster gets on the bulldozer
SD Coleman jumps out from the hole while Trendster is still on the bulldozer
Trendster is ready to hit his opponent
SD Coleman blocks the Knee Strikes
SD Coleman kneels down right in front of his rival
and hits him with a strong Low Blow
SD Coleman begs his opponent for mercy
Trendster blocks the execution of a Low Blow
Trendster grabs his opponent's head
and crashes him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a violent Head Lock Takedown
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's hair
Trendster lifts the knee to hit SD Coleman
and with a knee blow executes a strong Knee Smash
Trendster tucks SD Coleman's head in his armpit
forcing SD Coleman to dive onto his head with a violent DDT
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's head
SD Coleman avoids the execution of a DDT with great effort
SD Coleman gets close to Trendster and jumps
to hit him with a light Elbow Drop
SD Coleman climbs the top turnbuckle
Trendster lifts his knees, blocking the Body Splash
Trendster climbs the top turnbuckle
and jumps onto SD Coleman hitting him sideways with his body and forcing him to the mat with a powerful Diving Crossbody
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Trendster is about to perform his taunt
Trendster climbs on the turnbuckle smiling at opponent & appreciating fans executing A Fandom
Trendster gets on the top turnbuckle raising an arm to the sky
and jumps toward SD Coleman hitting him with a violent Diving Elbow Drop
Trendster is about to perform his taunt
capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
catching Trendster off guard!
SD Coleman grabs the adversary by the arm and the groin, lifting him
Trendster eludes a Pump Handle Suplex and takes back the initiative
Trendster is about to perform his taunt
Trendster climbs on the turnbuckle smiling at opponent & appreciating fans executing A Fandom
Trendster climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together
and leaps toward SD Coleman quickly lowering them, performing a Fantastic Double Axe Handle
Trendster grabs SD Coleman's arms putting it between his legs
and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin
The match cannot end with a pin fall
Trendster carries SD Coleman out of the ring
Trendster pushes SD Coleman close to the hole
Trendster throws SD Coleman in the hole
Trendster gets on the bulldozer
and activates the shovel, covering the pit with tons of dirt, BURYING SD Coleman ALIVE!!
| |
Wrestler: | SD Coleman |
Attacks: | 39/30 |
Block / Dodge: | 3/4 |
Finishers: | |
Trademarks: | |
Taunts: | |
Damage: | Dealt: 1233 | Taken: 1179 |
Vote: | |
Exp gained: | 5 Points |
Wrestler: | Trendster |
Attacks: | 30/23 |
Block / Dodge: | 8/1 |
Finishers: | |
Trademarks: | |
Taunts: | |
Damage: | Dealt: 1179 | Taken: 1233 |
Vote: | |
Exp gained: | 5 Points |
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